Monday 2 February 2009

Roasted Pork Belly with a BaconSalt crust

Thanks Gerard for another recipe (no wonder you just ordered another 4 jars of BaconSalt - You really have great ideas for it - Keep 'em coming!)

Roasted Pork Belly with a BaconSalt crust

1 pork belly joint - can be anything up to 3-4lb's
Mustard - English/ french/wholegrain - whichever you prefer
A selection of spices
BaconSalt Original or Hickory
Molasses or dark brown sugar

Heat oven to 200 degrees

Season joint liberally with BaconSalt
Mix your spices with breadcrumbs - i use cumin, coriander, curry powder, black pepper
pop a big spoon of mustard in and mix it to a malleable paste - similar to playdoh or plasticine
grate in some molasses if you have it, you can use brown sugar, syrup, anything sweet and soluble - I added some dark rum, butter and grated citrus zest as well to moisten it.
make a layer of your mixture on the skin side of the joint - it should be at least a centimetre thick
Dust BaconSalt over the top

Place in oven and cook for at least 1.5 hrs. The spice/ sugar mixture will slowly dissolve into the pork belly and the molasses will make it nice and sticky. The savoury BaconSalt mixed with the sweet spices will take it to new heights of flavour.


That sounds really "something else"! I've just added a nice big pork belly joint to our shopping list for this week. Seems there are things us Brits can learn from our Colonial Brethren!

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