Friday, 26 December 2008

Christmas Left-overs; BaconSalt Bubble&Squeak!

Okay, we were all feeling bloated yesterday. We adapted the "Lemon and BaconSalt Brine" recipe below (by up-rating the usual large Ziplock bag for a bin-liner and increasing the quantity of brine to cope with a 3kg joint of pork and a 4.5kg turkey . . . . . and there was enough food left to feed a moderately-small famine-stricken nation. We grossly over-estimated what our (extended) family could get through and packets of frozen meats are now in the freezer to feed us for the next week or more (hands up others in the same situation!)

After Sunday Lunches, I always save the left-over veggies for breakfast as "good old British" Bubble-and-Squeak for Monday (and maybe Tuesday as well) but today there was so much that I mashed it all in a very large mixing bowl, added a third of a bottle of BaconSalt, and put the burger-press into service to make 2 dozen B&S patties. B&S made with BaconSalt is mouth-watering - I could *ALMOST* forgo the rashers that usually accompany it for breakfast!!

(Why do Bubble-and Squeak and BaconSalt both abbreviate to "BS"?? Need I say more!!)

Happy New Year British and European BaconSalt lovers!

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